Security Terminology for Christian

  1. 1. Network Interface Card
  2. 3. the Bourne Again SHell
  3. 4. Data Protection Officer
  4. 5. Instant Messaging
  5. 6. Domain Name System
  6. 7. allows people to select the mobile devices they would like to use, typically from a limited number of options
  7. 9. Chief Security Officer
  8. 10. Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
  9. 12. Indicators of Compromise
  10. 14. POST Office Protocol
  11. 15. Personal Health Information
  1. 1. Network Attached Storage
  2. 2. a type of challenge–response test used in computing to determine whether the user is human in order to deter bot attacks and spam
  3. 3. being allowed to use one's personally owned device, rather than being required to use an officially provided device.
  4. 4. Database Administrator
  5. 5. Information Systems Security Officer
  6. 7. Chief Information Officer
  7. 8. Dynamic Link Library
  8. 11. Personal Identification Number
  9. 13. Chief Technology Officer
  10. 14. Peer-to-Peer