SEED STEM Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. The ___ variable is changed in an experiment.
  2. 4. Data that is not numerical and is not measurable.
  3. 5. To search and investigate thoroughly.
  4. 8. This is done with the five senses.
  5. 10. The ___ method is a process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions.
  6. 12. This is done to test an hypothesis.
  7. 14. Experimental results are compared to this.
  8. 15. Any changeable component that can affect the outcome of an experiment.
  9. 16. To examine the experimental results.
  1. 1. The ___ variable is measured.
  2. 2. An educated guess.
  3. 6. A collection of information. gathered by observation, questioning or measurement.
  4. 7. This is done to interpret the results of your experimental findings.
  5. 9. Data that is numerical and is measurable.
  6. 11. Who uses the scientific method
  7. 13. An unreliable source of scientific information.