SEGFAM: Vocabulary (July 2023)
- 4. (vocabulary: July 28) This weekend I have a laser appointment to remove my ___.
- 5. (vocabulary: July 28) I ___ a presentation ___ a customer yesterday.
- 6. (vocabulary: July 21) We can drink ___ many soft drinks ___ we ___.
- 8. (vocabulary: July 14) I have to write my ___-___ report. (a report for your promotion that talks about your goals and achievements)
- 1. (vocabulary: July 21) I went ___ (2 words) business trip yesterday and ___ experiments all day.
- 2. (vocabulary: July 14) I had to ___ (= get ready) ___ that this week.
- 3. (vocabulary: July 14) I made a ___ (not final) report and ___ it ___ my boss.
- 7. (reactions: July 7) 🔺 Oh, very difficult. ✅ Oh, ___ very difficult.