SEL Vocabulary

  1. 3. 循环
  2. 4. 担心
  3. 5. 消极的
  4. 8. Feelings which act like signals
  5. 11. Some people will feel this emotion if they see a big spider
  6. 13. The things you do and the way you do them
  7. 15. Ideas we have in our minds
  8. 16. You might feel this way if someone buys you an unexpected gift
  1. 1. The oppositve of comfortable
  2. 2. You might feel this way if you expected something bad to happed, but something good happened instead
  3. 6. 兴奋的
  4. 7. You might feel this way if you're warm in bed
  5. 9. Some people would feel this emotion while waiting for a bus
  6. 10. 积极的
  7. 12. A feeling when you're very, very tired
  8. 14. Chemical messengers in the body, such as adrenaline