Self-Esteem & Communication

  1. 2. risk of low self-esteem
  2. 4. positive attitude and example of "half glass full"
  3. 8. a form of nonverbal communication
  4. 9. good communication prevents
  5. 11. the most effective way to communicate using "I" statements
  6. 14. a listening skill that is effective
  7. 15. how you feel about and value yourself
  8. 17. a way that we communicate to ourselves within our own minds
  1. 1. sending and receiving of messages
  2. 3. keeping this healthy improves self-esteem
  3. 5. often gives in and says "yes"
  4. 6. 40% of a message is what you ________
  5. 7. opposite of optimistic
  6. 10. forceful and often negative communication
  7. 12. a benefit of a high self-esteem
  8. 13. communicating without speaking
  9. 16. sharing feelings of another person