Semester 1 Vocab Words #3

  1. 2. the words used in a language or by a person or group; vocabulary
  2. 4. to prevent someone from accomplishing a goal
  3. 5. relating to art and beauty (adjective); a set of ideas about beauty (noun)
  4. 7. to look at the parts of something
  5. 10. bad guy
  6. 11. to make something (often out of steel); a furnace for heating metal
  7. 12. able to see the future or know what is hidden
  8. 13. to represent something
  9. 14. able to become strong again after something bad has happened
  1. 1. leader
  2. 3. fearless and brave
  3. 6. to grow, raise, or improve something
  4. 8. to make something complete (verb); skillful (adjective)
  5. 9. cancer doctor