Semester 2 Final Review - Natural Disasters

  1. 2. Dissolved gases in a volcano
  2. 4. A mixture of hot volcanic ash, coarser particles, and steam that pours at high velocity down the flank of a volcano
  3. 5. This effect is due to rotation of Earth from west to east under a fluid such as the atmosphere or oceans permits that fluid to lag behind Earth’s rotation
  4. 7. A section of an active fault that has not had a recent earthquake
  5. 8. The third in a sequence of seismic waves of an earthquake; it travels near Earth’s surface and causes large ground motions
  6. 11. A particularly strong rotating thunderstorm that can spin off dangerous tornadoes
  7. 12. A mechanism to isolate a structure from earthquake shaking in the ground; often flexible pads between a building and the ground
  8. 15. The rotating area of cloud that sags below the main thundercloud base and from which a tornado may develop
  9. 17. Modifying existing buildings to minimize the damage during a strong earthquake.
  10. 19. An abnormally long wavelength wave most commonly produced by sudden displacement of a large mass of water in response to fault movement on the seafloor
  11. 21. Fires ignited by firebrands which blow through the air ahead of the main fire
  12. 23. The high-speed stream of air current traveling, generally in meanders, from west to east across North America
  13. 25. The small-diameter core of a hurricane; characterized by lack of clouds and little or no wind
  14. 26. Forest fuels of different heights that permit fire to climb progressively from burning ground
  15. 27. Lava that spills out of a volcano and flows down its sides
  16. 29. This effect is created when moisture-bearing winds rise against a mountain range: They condense to form clouds and rain or snow
  17. 30. The percentage of moisture in air relative to the maximum amount it can hold (at saturation) under its given temperature and pressure
  18. 32. A flow of mud, rocks, and water dominated by clay or mud-sized particles
  19. 33. Burning embers carried by the wind, which have potential to ignite new fires
  20. 34. Restriction of development according to practical and ethical considerations, including the risk of natural hazards
  21. 35. The rapid sea-level rise caused by the strong winds of a storm that push water forward and to a lesser extent by the low atmospheric pressure of a major storm
  1. 1. The theory applied to most earthquakes in which movement on two sides of a fault leads to bending of the rocks until they slip during an earthquake to release the bending strain
  2. 3. A fire that burns into the treetops
  3. 6. Convergent boundary along which lithospheric plates come together and one descends beneath the other
  4. 9. The theory that lithospheric plates move relative to one another
  5. 10. Changes in an environment to minimize loss from a future disaster
  6. 13. Formed by collapse into the underlying magma chamber
  7. 14. Firefighters that parachute in to fight wildland fires
  8. 16. A prolonged dry-climatic event in a particular region that dramatically lowers the available water below that normally used
  9. 18. The region of the central United States, between Texas and Nebraska that is most noted for frequent tornadoes
  10. 20. A thundercloud with a flat anvilshaped top; a sign of a thunderstorm
  11. 22. The amount of burnable material, such as trees and dry vegetation, available for a wildfire
  12. 24. An acidic volcanic smog produced when volcanic gases react with moisture and oxygen in the air, and sun, to produce aerosols
  13. 28. The resistance to flow of a fluid because of internal friction
  14. 31. Process where there is a change in volume and temperature, for example in the atmosphere, without change in total heat content