Semester Test

  1. 1. made up of cells
  2. 3. the passage of genetic instructions from one generation to the next generation
  3. 7. / the basic unit of life
  4. 8. / found in the nucleus that contains genes
  5. 10. / type of adaptation which involves a body part
  6. 12. when animal travel from north to south during winter
  7. 13. / transports water and nutrients in the plant
  8. 15. / type pf muscle found in the heart
  9. 17. / store nutrients during winter time
  10. 19. / used in chemical reactions
  11. 20. behavioral adaptation wherein the organism had reduced activity during winter time
  12. 22. process wherein egg and sperm unite
  13. 23. type of reproduction producing variation
  1. 2. / type of muscle found in bones
  2. 4. an organism's physical appearance
  3. 5. control center of the cell
  4. 6. pumps blood
  5. 9. made of of tissues
  6. 11. / help the fish breathe
  7. 14. converts food molecules into energy
  8. 15. / organelle that captures energy from sunlight
  9. 16. type of reproduction wherein it produces identical offspring
  10. 18. sequence of DNA that determines a trait
  11. 21. excretory organ which removes wastes