Sensation and Perception Vocabulary

  1. 4. smallest level of energy required by an external stimulus to be detectable by the human senses.Can detect stimulus 50 % of time
  2. 6. receptor cells in the eye that helps see fine details and helps us in bright rooms/outside
  3. 7. a purplish-red light sensitive pigment present in the retinas in humans in animals
  4. 8. raised disk on the retina at the point of entry of the optic nerve, lacking visual receptors creating a blind spot
  5. 9. developed by psychologist Jean Piaget to describe what occurs when new information or experiences cause you to modify your existing schemas.
  6. 10. the minimum difference in stimulation that a person can detect 50 percent of the time
  7. 13. In mathematics and physics, ____ _____ states that, as the ratio between the magnitudes of two stimuli increases, the more easily the difference between the two stimuli will be perceived.
  8. 14. small depression in the retina of the eye where visual acuity is highest.
  9. 15. recepters in he eye that detect movement
  1. 1. states that subjective sensation is proportional to the logarithm of the stimulus intensity
  2. 2. Figure/ground, similarity, proximity, closure, good continuation and symmetry/order are all _____ principles
  3. 3. a theory of color and how humans perceive color. According to this theory, the human retina contains three different receptors for color
  4. 4. the ability to adjust to new information and experiences
  5. 5. biconvex structure in the eye that, along with the cornea, helps to refract light to be focused on the retina
  6. 8. suggests that color perception is controlled by activity of three opponent systems. Developed by Ewald Hering
  7. 11. transparent layer forming the front of the eye
  8. 12. white outer layer of the eyeball