Separate the chains

  1. 1. produced from a cell lineage made by cloning a unique white blood cel
  2. 7. Method which separates protein
  3. 9. Protein which decreases in nephrotic syndrome
  4. 11. macroglobulinemia which is malignant with raised gamma fraction
  5. 12. A recurrent bacterial or viral condition which prompts protein electrophoresis
  6. 13. Fusion increase of beta and gamma fractions
  1. 2. protein migrate in serum protein electrophoresis based on this
  2. 3. raised parameter which warrants serum protein electrophopresis
  3. 4. seen in multiple myeloma
  4. 5. increases in iron deficiency, hypothyroid or biliary obstruction
  5. 6. component that comes after albumin
  6. 8. A blood condition which warrants serum protein electrophoresis
  7. 10. Condition of monoclonal gammopathy which is asymptomatic