Sepsis Superhero Crossword

  1. 5. Awareness Month
  2. 9. criteria >20/min
  3. 11. might be yellow if this is too high
  4. 12. bacteria in the bloodstream
  5. 15. or <4,000
  6. 16. tissue perfusion/SBP <90 &/or MAP<65
  7. 17. suspect sepsis, call this
  8. 19. acid, blood cultures, & antibiotics initiated within
  9. 20. BP, elevated lactic, elevated creatinine, & elevated bilirubin are all examples of
  1. 1. for 2 hours
  2. 2. Inflammatory Response Syndrome
  3. 3. very own Sepsis Superhero Physician
  4. 4. can't have severe sepsis without this
  5. 6. at 999mL/hr
  6. 7. common infection leading to severe sepsis
  7. 8. increases during kidney failure
  8. 10. and Combination Therapy
  9. 13. this is above two, there is more you need to do
  10. 14. million Americans die each year from this
  11. 18. emergency requiring IVF Bolus