Name the series!

  1. 1. wolf,lion,fish,dragons,stag ,rose ,kraken
  2. 4. ”I’m gonna be the king of Pirates!”
  3. 6. Abbreviation for show ,that is just “Legen-wait-for-it-Dary"
  4. 8. Say my name
  5. 10. A major Legal drama spanning 9 seasons
  1. 2. That’s what she said
  2. 3. I have the numbers of the precinct of NY Cops who are eccentric,but true to their work!
  3. 5. He is man who balances both family ,while being a servant of the government
  4. 7. The one which ran 10 seasons and is still retelecasted on CC
  5. 9. Dattebayo