  1. 3. Never be lacking in what? (Romans 12:11)
  2. 5. The greatest among you will be your what? (Matthew 23:11)
  3. 6. Each of us should use what that we have received to serve others? (1 Peter 4:10)
  4. 9. Keep your spiritual what, serving the Lord? (Romans 12:11)
  5. 11. The LORD understands every what? (3 words)(1 Chronicles 28:9)
  6. 14. We should be what to one another in love? (Romans 12:10)
  7. 16. We should do what to one another humbly in love? (Galatians 5:13)
  8. 17. Honor one another blank yourselves? (Romans 12:10)
  9. 18. Offering our bodies as living sacrifices is our true and proper what? (Romans 12:1)
  1. 1. We serve a what kind of God? (Hebrews 9:14)
  2. 2. Whoever wants to be first must be your what, just as the Son of Man did? (Matthew 20:27-28)
  3. 4. God will not forget our what that we show Him as we help people? (3 words)(Hebrews 6:10)
  4. 5. We should offer our bodies as a living what? (Romans 12:1)
  5. 6. Jesus showed by His hard work that we must help the weak because Jesus said it is more blessed to do what than to receive? (Acts 20:35)
  6. 7. We should fear the LORD and serve Him how? (1 Samuel 12:24)
  7. 8. The LORD searches every what? (1 Chronicles 28:9)
  8. 10. What should we do with the Lord's people who are in need? (Romans 12:13)
  9. 12. Even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to what? (Mark) 10:35
  10. 13. The blood of Christ will do what to our consciences? (Hebrews 9:14)
  11. 15. If people see your good deeds, it will do what to your Father in heaven? (Matthew 5:16)