set 13

  1. 2. Timbre Substation is at 45 Armenia St. Evangel Substation is at 577 Yishun Ring Road. Fill in the blanks: 1 8 4 _ _
  2. 5. How many fire extinguishers in the play area are from Combat?
  3. 7. I expire on 31 December 2017, where am I? [HINT: I can help to raise you up and bring you down]
  4. 9. If 3 November 2017 is Friday, 24 May 2016 is Tuesday, which day was Evangel Family Church dedicated?
  5. 10. Andy made me in Precious 4. What am I?
  6. 11. FH1-2, FH2-2. What are we? [HINT: Look out]
  7. 13. How many entrances lead to the compound?
  1. 1. DB1/P5B is at level _______. [HINT: I have the power to change your life]
  2. 3. “A dream you dream alone is a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” Where can you find this? [HINT: Moveable quotes]
  3. 4. Lot was called to leave Sodom. Lot 45 is called to be?
  4. 6. Dahlia I is blue. Dahlia III is green. What colour is Dahlia II? [HINT: Dahlias are flowers]
  5. 7. Lam Shuet Meng certified me. What is my ID?
  6. 8. How many lights shine upon the cross?
  7. 9. How many shrubs sit outside the lift lobby of Level 4?
  8. 12. My name is Aruba, I am at Precious 4, where is my twin?