set 23

  1. 6. DB2/L5B is at the ______ floor. [HINT: I have the power to change your life]
  2. 8. Between 12 & 14 is 13, between 42 & 44 is 43. Between 33 & 34 is? [HINT: Not a number]
  3. 10. FH1-2, FH2-2. What are we? [HINT: Look out]
  4. 11. How many fire extinguishers in the play area are from Combat?
  5. 14. Dahlia I is blue. Dahlia III is green. What colour is Dahlia II? [HINT: Dahlias are flowers]
  1. 1. Andy made me in Precious 4. What am I?
  2. 2. How many paintings are there in Level 1?
  3. 3. “A dream you dream alone is a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” Where can you find this? [HINT: Moveable quotes]
  4. 4. We make noise in the Atrium and there are 6 of us. What’s our name?
  5. 5. How many car park lots are there in total?
  6. 6. Which date was Evangel Family Church dedicated?
  7. 7. I expire on 31 December 2017, where am I? [HINT: I can help to raise you up and bring you down]
  8. 9. Same same but different. What do I represent? [HINT: Level 2]
  9. 12. Lam Shuet Meng certified me. What is my ID?
  10. 13. Timbre Substation is at 45 Armenia St. Evangel Substation is at 577 Yishun Ring Road. Fill in the blanks: 1 8 4 _ _