Set de table ADV

  1. 3. an adverb to mark the time now
  2. 6. a junction where you go around a circle
  3. 7. an activity we spend in the garden
  4. 10. a connecting word to show a result/consequence
  5. 13. a three-word phrase meaning "await with excitement"
  6. 16. a verb to suggest
  7. 17. an important word for the conditionals
  8. 18. a two-word vocabulary that we use to talk about a past situation/habit
  9. 19. a relative pronoun to refer to the person or thing that something belongs to
  1. 1. a possessive pronoun to replace “my + N.”
  2. 2. a two-word phrasal verb asking to write information in a form or a document
  3. 4. the side of the street where we can walk
  4. 5. to give up
  5. 8. a verb to say sorry
  6. 9. a stopping device on a vehicle (often plural)
  7. 11. no hair on the head
  8. 12. a modal of possibility
  9. 14. a connecting word to show contrast ideas
  10. 15. a reflexive pronouns of “we”