Set Theory Basics

  1. 2. The number of distinct elements in a set.
  2. 6. The method used: W={x | x is a day of the week}
  3. 7. True or False: {0} is an empty set.
  4. 8. {}
  5. 9. * is an ____ of the set {%, ?, *, @}
  6. 10. Cardinal number of a null set.
  7. 11. Given A = {t, a, r} and B = {a, r, t}. Set A is a ____ of set B.
  8. 12. What is Ԑ ?
  9. 15. A collection of well-defined objects.
  10. 16. {2020, 2021, ...} is a _____ _____of {0, 1, 2,...}
  1. 1. The method used: The set of days in the weekend.
  2. 3. The set N={1, 2, 3, 4, …}.
  3. 4. The method used: W={Saturday, Sunday}
  4. 5. A set that is not finite.
  5. 12. Sets that have the same number of elements.
  6. 13. Given A = {t, a, r} and B = {a, r, t}. Sets A and B are ____ ____.
  7. 14. Cardinal number of {e,v,e}