
  1. 3. Set whose elements are in the Universal set but not in set A.
  2. 6. The union of (A-B) and (B-A) is called the......difference of A and B.
  3. 8. Complement of null set is....set.
  4. 9. Well defined collection of objects.
  5. 10. Number of elements in the set.
  6. 12. Set with finite cardinality.
  7. 14. Set whose elements are in set A but not in set B.
  8. 15. Set of.....numbers is infinite.
  1. 1. Set with no element.
  2. 2. Set whose elements belong to both the two given set.
  3. 4. Collection of ordered pairs whose first element belongs to set A and second element belongs to set B is called ____ product of set A and B.
  4. 5. Set with infinite cardinality.
  5. 7. Set whose all elements belong to the other set.
  6. 11. Set whose elements belong to either of the two given set.
  7. 13. Sets with same cardinality.