Seth's crossword

  1. 2. Capulet, Juliet's cousin on her mother's side
  2. 5. kinsman to the Prince, and Romeo's close friend
  3. 6. daughter of Lord Capulet and Lady Capulet
  4. 11. nephew
  5. 12. liquor,The poison Friar Lawrence gave Juliet to make her appear to be dead
  6. 15. Laurence,He secretly marries Romeo and Juliet in hopes that the union will bring peace to Verona.
  7. 16. do the two familys end their fight
  8. 17. Capulet,Juliet' father
  9. 19. Capulet,Juliet's mother
  10. 20. faithful confidante and loyal intermediary in Juliet's relationship with Romeo
  11. 22. place of the story
  12. 24. feuding Montagues and Capulets; Tybalt; the Prince and citizens of Verona; fate
  13. 25. son and heir of Lord Montague and Lady Montague
  14. 26. ninetys,the time of the store
  15. 29. four,when Juliet drinks the potion
  16. 32. Montague,Romeo's father
  17. 34. dedicated servant
  18. 36. romeo plans to hide
  19. 37. John,A Franciscan friar charged by Friar Lawrence with taking the news of Juliet's false death to Romeo in Mantua
  20. 38. feud,The angry feud between the two families of Capulet and Montague
  1. 1. drama,The genre
  2. 3. who grants absolution
  3. 4. Montague,Romeo's mother
  4. 7. age
  5. 8. servant or assistant to a wealthy person
  6. 9. and juliet
  7. 10. deaths of romeo and juliet in the capulet tomb
  8. 13. home,where romeo and juliet meet
  9. 14. what romeo dies from
  10. 18. Escalus,The Prince of Verona
  11. 21. does romeo risk to meet Juliet again
  12. 23. Apothecary,An apothecary in Mantua. He sells poison to Romeo.
  13. 27. Capulet servant who invites guests to the Capulet's feast and escorts the nurse to meet with Romeo
  14. 28. and Gregory,Two servants who, like their master, hate the Montagues
  15. 30. the setting of the story
  16. 31. woman with whom Romeo is infatuated with at the beginning of the play
  17. 33. a cask or barrel
  18. 35. kinsman of the Prince