  1. 4. California Gold Rush, Homestead Act, and the Completion of transcontinental railroad all factors that contributed to Westward _________________.
  2. 7. The primary goal of the _________________ of 1887 regarding Native American Indians was to assimilate Native American Indians into mainstream American life.
  3. 10. construction of the _________________ become more important to the United States after the Spanish-American War because the navy needed a faster way to move ships between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
  4. 12. The establishment of the Open Door policy (1899–1900) and the response to the _________________ Rebellion (1900) showed that the United States wanted to protect American trading interests in China
  5. 13. Renewal of unrestricted _________________ warfare by Germany was one of the events that influenced President Woodrow Wilson’s decision to enter World War I
  6. 17. President Theodore Roosevelt's __________________ strengthened the Monroe Doctrine by establishing the policy that the United States would intervene in Latin America to prevent European interference.
  7. 18. President Theodore Roosevelt’s commitment to the proverb, “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far,” was most clearly shown when he intervened in _________________ affairs
  8. 19. As a result of low land prices and the Homestead Act many farmers moved West and the Native American Indians on the Great Plains were forced onto _________________.
  9. 21. _________________ policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, interception of the Zimmermann Note, and American loans to Allied nations led to United States entry into World War I.
  10. 22. Securing land for the Panama Canal and military interventions in Latin America are examples of Roosevelt's use of the "________________" diplomacy.
  1. 1. Exaggerated, sensational newspaper headlines and articles are often referred to as __________________ journalism.
  2. 2. Secretary of State John Hay sent his Open Door Notes (1899–1900) to world powers to gain equal access to _________________ markets.
  3. 3. _________________ companies sold land in the West for very low price.
  4. 4. A major result of the _________________ War (1898) was that the United States assumed a more prominent role in world affairs.
  5. 5. The United States tried to avoid involvement in World War I by following a policy of _________________.
  6. 6. The disclosure of the Zimmerman document contributed to the entry of the United States into _________________.
  7. 8. _________________ telegram was part of an effort to enlist Mexican support for Germany if the United States declared war.
  8. 9. _________________ Offered free 160 acres of land in the West to anyone willing to live on it for 5 years.
  9. 11. American newspapers used yellow journalism to build public support for the war against _________________ .
  10. 14. Some of the major reasons for United States _________________ included: the desire for markets and raw materials; closing of the western frontier; missionary spirit; belief in the White Man's Burden.
  11. 15. One of the major characteristics of American imperialism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was acquiring _________________ to promote economic and strategic interests.
  12. 16. The Homestead Act and grants of land to railroads were used to encourage settlement of the _________________.
  13. 20. The federal government supported railroad construction by giving railroad companies _________________ grants.