Seven traits of writting

  1. 1. vocabulary trait
  2. 7. shows the relationship between paragraphs
  3. 9. the +1 of the traits
  4. 12. the writer of a piece
  5. 13. the flow and rhythm of the language
  6. 14. the "Foundation" trait,you use this trait as a main foundation for your writing.
  7. 18. Organization is your ___ during writing.
  1. 2. compared with a house, convention is the?
  2. 3. grammar and punctuation trait
  3. 4. overall structure of a writing piece
  4. 5. compared with a house,ideas is the?
  5. 6. the number of writing traits
  6. 8. no two authors have the same of
  7. 10. shows a reflection of you as a writer
  8. 11. interesting ___ used as ideas.
  9. 15. personal tone or personality of a piece
  10. 16. What is often shown using voice trait?
  11. 17. what format is often used for presentation?