Seven traits of writting

  1. 5. the writer of a piece
  2. 7. compared with a house, convention is the?
  3. 8. Organization is your ___ during writing.
  4. 9. the flow and rhythm of the language
  5. 13. the people authors direct their work towards
  6. 14. compared with a house, voice is the?
  7. 17. interesting ___ used as ideas.
  8. 18. personal tone or personality of a piece
  9. 20. compared with a house,ideas is the?
  1. 1. overall structure of a writing piece
  2. 2. vocabulary trait
  3. 3. shows a reflection of you as a writer
  4. 4. the +1 of the traits
  5. 6. what format is often used for presentation?
  6. 10. grammar and punctuation trait
  7. 11. no two authors have the same of
  8. 12. shows the relationship between paragraphs
  9. 15. What is often shown using voice trait?
  10. 16. the number of writing traits
  11. 19. the "Foundation" trait,you use this trait as a main foundation for your writing.