Sewing Lab Safety & Basics

  1. 1. be sure the iron is __ before filling with water
  2. 5. keep these away from the path of the sewing machine needle
  3. 7. tray your fabric and supplies belong in your
  4. 9. this part of the pattern piece should be parallel to the selvage edge
  5. 12. pin perpendicular for sewing fabric together
  6. 14. be careful with the seam ripper because it is...
  7. 15. information about using the sewing machine is in the instruction ___
  8. 17. the clean finished edge of the fabric
  9. 18. use this to protect fingers when hand sewing thick fabric
  1. 2. use sewing shears to cut thread and ___ only
  2. 3. the number of people who should be by the ironing board
  3. 4. place pins ___ to the edge of the fabric when pinning the pattern to the fabric
  4. 6. try to reach weekly sewing journal goals to get a
  5. 8. keep ___ out of the aisles
  6. 10. write in your sewing journal in class (how often)
  7. 11. put things away after you use them to keep them
  8. 12. always put pins here when not using
  9. 13. use correctly for safety and efficiency
  10. 14. do not put pins in your; this is a germ hazard
  11. 16. leave the iron on it's ___; not hot side down
  12. 19. be careful with the iron because it is