
  1. 7. How often a genotype appears in a population. (2 words)
  2. 8. __ refers to some factor in nature, like temperature, will determine that some traits are more beneficial. (2 words)
  3. 9. The process of a new species forming due to the buildup of adaptations between two populations.
  4. 10. Evolution can only happen to __ because Evolution examines genetic changes over time in a group, not an individual.
  5. 11. The random change in allele frequency that can result from natural disasters. (2 words)
  6. 12. A significant reduction in the population of a species due to disease or natural disasters, drastically altering the species' gene pool.
  7. 14. The scientists that theorized about how one species can lead to multiple new species evolving over time.
  8. 15. The movement of organisms in/out of a population which can change the allele frequencies of that population.
  9. 18. A process where two unrelated species affect the evolution of one another due to having close/important interactions in the same physical environment.
  10. 19. The reason variation exists in a population is because of __.
  11. 20. Evidence of Evolution that is highly valid due to examining the DNA/Protein sequences of organisms. (2 words)
  12. 21. The scientist/economist that theorized the environment could put pressure on a population, causing some organisms to die by examining how food supplies impact humanity.
  13. 26. A large scale process that examines how allele frequencies (genotypes) change in a population over time due to things like mutations, natural selection & migration.
  14. 29. The scientist responsible for developing the Theory of Evolution we have today.
  15. 30. Male birds dancing to attract females for reproductive purposes is an example of __. (2 words)
  16. 31. Wolves hunting in large groups is an example of a __ adaptation.
  17. 32. The scientists who theorized evolution occurred through response to stimuli.
  18. 34. An eagle with sharp talons for catching prey is an example of a __ adaptation.
  19. 35. A process used by humans throughout our history to make wild organisms more usable for ourselves.
  1. 1. A trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce.
  2. 2. The theory of evolution is __ and has led to the collection of a large body of evidence through direct observation and experimentation.
  3. 3. Darwin performed __ experiments after his voyage to gather direct observational evidence that organism's physical appearance can change over time. (2 words)
  4. 4. Evidence of Evolution that examines the physical structures between organisms to check for similarities, which imply closely related ancestry. (2 words)
  5. 5. The location made famous by Charles Darwin, where he observed tortoises and finches to gather evidence. (2 words)
  6. 6. __ occurs when two unrelated species develop analogous structures due to living in similar environments, but different locations. (2 words)
  7. 13. Remnants of organisms in rock, a major source of evidence for evolution.
  8. 16. When two populations are incapable of mating due to physical separation, __ prevents mutations from spreading between the populations leading to unique evolutionary paths in each population. (2 words)
  9. 17. Two organisms with __ structures implies they share a common ancestor due to the similar internal structure of their bodies.
  10. 22. Darwin theorized that finch species found on the Galapagos Islands were __ of those on mainland South America.
  11. 23. Darwin noticed that species physical features allowed the organism to be __ for its specific environment, making it more successful.
  12. 24. A phrase that means an organism is well adapted to its environment.
  13. 25. Evidence of evolution that examines how physically separating members of a population can lead to the buildup of adaptations and ultimately speciation.
  14. 27. An event that can drastically change an environment and speed up the rate of speciation and evolution. (2 words)
  15. 28. A snake that uses venom to kill its prey is an example of a __ adaptation.
  16. 33. Two organisms with an appendage that they use for the same purpose but internally have incredibly different structures have __ structures and are not closely related.