Shakespeare Acting Review 1

  1. 4. Black Flags represented this style of Shakespearean play
  2. 5. Would have paid a penny to stand and watch the play
  3. 6. Although Shakespeare’s plays often changed location, the actual production had very little ________
  4. 11. These were not permitted to be actors in Elizabethan England
  5. 13. One character speaking to something or someone IN the world of the play
  6. 16. a play written by Shakespeare RIVAL, about a man who sells his soul to the devil
  7. 17. The most famous acting troupe of Elizabethan England, of which Shakespeare was a member
  8. 19. Shakespeare, like Yoda, flip-flopped the ________ and ________ making his writing difficult to follow at times (all one word answer)
  9. 20. Shakespeare used his specific meter partly because it follows the natural rhythm of the human _________
  10. 21. Another style of Shakespearean play (white Flag)
  11. 22. Another style of play Shakespeare wrote were _____________ (red flag)
  12. 23. One character speaking to something or someone outside the world of the play, such as the audience
  1. 1. Shakespeare wrote these types of poems
  2. 2. This position was similar to our modern day censor
  3. 3. a contemporary rival who was killed in a bar fight
  4. 7. Each line of Shakespeare’s meter would have ______ _________ (All one word for answer)
  5. 8. Shakespeare used almost none of these in his writing, instead incorporating them into his dialogue, often indicated location or action of a scene
  6. 9. Shakespeare’s poetic meter had a repeating pattern of an ___________ syllable and a stressed syllable
  7. 10. She was Queen during Shakespeare’s lifetime, an avid theater supporter, and ruled for 45 years
  8. 12. ___________ pentameter the type of meter Shakespeare wrote in
  9. 14. Going to the theater in Elizabethan England would be an all day and ________ event
  10. 15. The theater Shakespeare’s plays were presented in was called The _________
  11. 18. These individuals would have had covered seats at the theater