
  1. 3. He couldn't decide how to write his...
  2. 5. The number of plays he wrote
  3. 6. The name of his first born child
  4. 8. The number of Sonnets he wrote
  5. 11. Name the other type of plays he wrote. Comedies, tragedies...
  6. 12. The month he was born in
  7. 13. The theater Shakespeare made famous
  8. 14. The number of children he had
  9. 16. The special types of poems he wrote
  1. 1. The century Shakespeare was born in
  2. 2. The name of his wife
  3. 3. The place Shakespeare was born
  4. 4. The monarch in Shakespeare's time
  5. 7. He died on his...
  6. 9. The city he worked in
  7. 10. His age when he died
  8. 15. What he was famous for writing