Sharman people

  1. 2. long hair, really kind and smart,name rhymes with baina.
  2. 7. broke a brace in a day
  3. 8. besties with anna, very noice but short
  4. 10. Tall,giraffe,scary,wears emo boots
  5. 13. has an obsession with kpop,hates geography
  6. 15. good at drama, says yummy too much,emotionally attached to boxer
  7. 17. shy, but wierdly energetic and clumsy
  8. 18. Smart, hates when Rosie puts her arm on her desk,
  9. 19. preppy, swiftie
  1. 1. cinammon roll
  2. 2. Good at art and maths and pretty much everything
  3. 3. great friend, AMAZIng at singing,swiftie,Erin's other half, mesmerising hair
  4. 4. only child, going to eras tour, has cat
  5. 5. Loves bubble tea and dance moms.
  6. 6. fit,does cross country, obssesed with water
  7. 9. loves ducks hates jeremiah
  8. 11. cool, and mature if yk yk Lol.
  9. 12. nice, smart ms hanburys favourite
  10. 14. good at everything amazing at hockey, and her hairrrrrr
  11. 16. Wierd and funny, has an obsession with imi's hair