Shivy's Escape room

  1. 5. best beer in the world
  2. 7. the pedo-atrician (that’s pedophile and pediatrician)
  3. 9. Color of Shivy Clause’s suit
  4. 11. #1 university on the planet
  5. 13. Stabby McGee (aka Mrs little hands)
  6. 14. Penn State colors: blue and _____
  1. 1. the hottest indian guy you know
  2. 2. the king of burgers
  3. 3. - City of brotherly love
  4. 4. little hands
  5. 6. white boy #1 aka vanilla bear
  6. 8. color of Shivy1
  7. 10. the half Korean - aka if kim jong un and hitler had a baby
  8. 12. the best NFL team