Short Stories Unit

  1. 4. the lesson about life the author would like the reader to learn
  2. 6. narrator is a character in the story - doesn't know all - I, me and my are used
  3. 11. perspective from which a story is told
  4. 13. characters versus societal structures like money, government, traditions or expectations
  5. 14. most exciting part of a story
  6. 17. story is building; characters begin to struggle with major conflict
  7. 18. character against the main character - the "villain"
  8. 20. where and when the story takes place
  9. 21. narrator is NOT in the story - focus on one character to know all about
  10. 23. character that does not change
  11. 24. problem in the story
  1. 1. narrator is NOT in the story - knows everything about everyone
  2. 2. giving inanimate objects human qualities
  3. 3. conflict happening inside the mind of a character
  4. 5. conflict happening with other characters, nature, or society
  5. 7. one character against another character
  6. 8. introduction to the story
  7. 9. characters against natural disasters or other natural forces
  8. 10. character that does change
  9. 12. main character in the story - the "hero"
  10. 15. character is facing a conflict within their mind
  11. 16. events are beginning to be resolved
  12. 19. feeling of the story
  13. 22. all loose ends in the story are tied up