Showtime Promotions

  1. 2. Acronym for our Summer Camp
  2. 5. _________ is a type of performance dance that originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century and later developed into a concert dance form in France and Russia
  3. 8. To whirl or spin on one foot
  4. 10. A full split jump in the air is a? (dance terminology)
  5. 12. A high straight leg kick in which the gesture leg makes a swooping circular arc across the front of the body
  6. 13. short form or acronym for our favorite convention partners
  7. 15. is a form of this? = Expression
  8. 16. Step of the cat (dance terminology)
  9. 19. All dancers will receive one of these
  10. 20. Dancers may be _________________if you use your camera in the theatre
  11. 22. Hip Hop saying – “It’s Not the Move, It’s the ¬ !”
  12. 24. An American in Paris.” Actor/Dancer
  13. 26. A combination of a forward and backward brush in tap is a?
  14. 27. Nominated “So You Think You Can Dance” Judge and Choreographer = Stacey Tookey
  15. 29. Last name of Groove Street and Street Grove Directors
  16. 31. A special dance retreat with international instructors on ______ 8th,9th,10th, 2013 in Kelowna, BC.
  1. 1. One of the most important moves in dance, with your face
  2. 3. The television show Soul Train and the 1980s films Breakin', Beat Street, and Wild Style showcased these crews and dance styles in their early stages; therefore, giving ___ ___ mainstream exposure
  3. 4. Fingers spread (dance terminology)
  4. 6. Hines Tap Dancer who starred in “White Nights” with above ballet dancer
  5. 7. Canada's newest dance magazine for youth
  6. 9. To escape (dance terminology)
  7. 11. The most amazing dance studio in Hollywood
  8. 14. During the event ONLY dancers and teachers are supposed to be___________
  9. 15. In front (dance terminology)
  10. 17. To Change feet in the air (dance terminology)
  11. 18. Acronym for the Final event of the season with Huge cash prizes
  12. 20. Behind (dance terminology)
  13. 21. A 2 day condensed training session at The Rocky Mountain Dance Project Aug 10th & 11th, 2013 with programs for intermediate/Advanced dancers and Teachers
  14. 23. To draw out or to extend
  15. 25. The Canadian Performing Arts Foundation’s dance competition with Stacey Tookey takes place on _____ Long weekend
  16. 28. people dance to express this? = Emotion
  17. 29. To bend (dance terminology)
  18. 30. Type of custom shoes you can win by liking our facebook page