Sick Day Management of Diabetes

  1. 2. You should check your BS at least q hours?
  2. 3. Seek this room if not able to get a hold of doctor when ill
  3. 6. Should drink 1 cup of liquid q hr to prevent this
  4. 8. If your not able to keep liquids or solids down call your
  5. 11. Check this regularly to monitor illness
  6. 12. Make a sick day before you get sick
  1. 1. When sick you should monitor your urine for?
  2. 4. Count these when you are sick
  3. 5. A person who has diabetes should always have a emergency diabetes
  4. 7. Do not stop taking this medication while sick
  5. 9. Keep blood sugars below hundred to prevent ketone formation
  6. 10. Try to eat meals frequently