Silent letters

  1. 3. Dogs do this to bones.
  2. 4. A baby cow.
  3. 5. the yellow part of an egg.
  4. 8. You do this on your knees.
  5. 11. You use this to keep your hair tidy
  6. 12. Little children do this when they want something.
  7. 13. Two men do this in a ring for a competition.
  8. 15. It explodes and is used in war.
  9. 17. A person who fixes taps.
  10. 18. Someone who does not tell lies is __________.
  1. 1. You do this to a door to get an answer.
  2. 2. This can cut.
  3. 6. A baby sheep.
  4. 7. When you ask a question you expect one of these.
  5. 9. Dead people are found in here.
  6. 10. If you owe money to someone, you are in ______.
  7. 13. The opposite of right.
  8. 14. The biggest mammal.
  9. 16. Most people wear a watch here.
  10. 19. You have one of these on each hand.