Simmons Sip and Solve
- 3. Bride's Favourite Food.
- 4. First Date.
- 5. First House Street.
- 7. First Addition to the Family.
- 11. Nickname for bride and groom (each other).
- 14. Nickname for the Best Boy.
- 16. How Long do the Couple Plan to be Together?
- 18. Bride's Favoutie Hobby.
- 20. Movie on First Date.
- 21. Groom's Favourite Video Game.
- 22. Couple's Small Business Name.
- 25. Groom's Favourite Hobby.
- 28. Honeymoon Location.
- 29. Who is Older?
- 30. Groom's Favourite Dinosaur Shaped Food.
- 31. Bride's Favourite Video Game.
- 1. Hidden Invitation Detail.
- 2. Who is the Best Singer of the Two.
- 6. Couple's Vacation Army Collection.
- 8. Dating Anniversary Month.
- 9. Name of Bride's Car.
- 10. Proposal Location (Attraction).
- 12. Favourite Thing to do with Others.
- 13. Name of Groom's Car.
- 15. Favourite Activity to do Together.
- 17. Bride and Groom's Favourite Alcohol.
- 19. Longest Anime Commitment (so far).
- 23. What city did they meet?
- 24. How Did Bride and Groom Meet?
- 26. Bride and Groom's Favourite Season.
- 27. Bride and Groom's Go to Fast Food (Nickname).