Simple and Compound Machines

  1. 4. This compound machine is made up of a lever and wheel and axel.
  2. 5. This is an example of a pulley.
  3. 7. This compound machine is made up of a wheel and axel and a lever.
  4. 10. This compound machine is made up of a pulley, lever and wedge.
  5. 12. This compound machine is made up of a lever, wheel and axel, and wedge.
  6. 13. This is an example of a lever.
  7. 14. Machines These machines are made of two or more simple machines.
  8. 15. This is an example of a wedge.
  1. 1. This is an example of a screw.
  2. 2. This compound machine is made up of a lever and wedge.
  3. 3. This compound machine is made up of a lever and wedge.
  4. 6. This compound machine is made up of a lever and a wedge.
  5. 8. This is an example of a inclined plane.
  6. 9. This is an example of a wheel and axel.
  7. 11. This compound machine is made up of a lever, wheel and axel, and wedge.