Simple Machines

  1. 2. class lever - fulcrum at the end, load in the middle; wheel barrow, car-jack
  2. 4. - A device that is thick at one end and tapers to a thin edge at the other end.
  3. 6. - An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  4. 8. - a simple machine consisting of a bar that pivots on a fixed point
  5. 9. class lever - fulcrum at the end, effort in the middle; tweezers, baseball bat
  1. 1. Plane - a slanted surface along which a force moves an object to a different elevation
  2. 3. - A simple machine that consists of a grooved wheel with a rope or cable wrapped around it.
  3. 4. and Axle - a lifting machine consisting of a rope and wheel that unwinds from a wheel to lift something
  4. 5. class lever - fulcrum in the middle; see-saw, hammer, scissors
  5. 7. - unit to measure distance