Simple Machines

  1. 2. A wheel and axle reduces...
  2. 5. A machine that makes work easier
  3. 7. A wheel with a groove that allows a rope through
  4. 11. A circle with a rod in the middle
  5. 12. The class of lever where the load is between the effort & fulcrum
  6. 13. An example of a wedge used to chop wood
  7. 14. A triangular tool that can split or cut things
  1. 1. An inclined plane spiraling around a cylinder
  2. 3. A bar/plank with a pivot point
  3. 4. This example of a simple machine helps people in wheelchairs get up an incline
  4. 6. A surface tilted at an angle
  5. 8. A lever that is used to pick up sausages
  6. 9. Tweezers are an example of this class of lever
  7. 10. This pulley helps open & close a window covering