Simple Machines

  1. 2. wheel with a rope, chain, or belt around it
  2. 4. the kind of lever where the load is between the effort and the fulcrum; ex. wheelbarrow
  3. 8. a simple machine consisting of two connected objects with different radiuses
  4. 10. the amount of real work done over the ideal work calculated; losses are due to friction
  5. 13. the ratio of output force to input force
  6. 14. an inclined plane wrapped around a shaft
  1. 1. a machine with few moving parts that is used to gain mechanical advatage; There are 6 types of these.
  2. 3. a sloped surface used to gain mechanical advantage
  3. 5. the fixed point of rotation on a lever
  4. 6. the kind of lever where the effort is between the load and the fulcrum; ex. fishing pole
  5. 7. the kind of lever where the fulcrum in between the effort and load; ex. see-saw
  6. 9. a simple machine composed of a bar rotating about a fixed point to gain mechanical advatange
  7. 11. and inclined plane used to split or hold objects in place
  8. 12. a special kind of wheel and axle that has interlocked teeth