Simple Machines

  1. 1. Result of force to move an object
  2. 4. A simple machine used to raise objects or split and object apart
  3. 6. A machine that has a few or no moving
  4. 8. A push or pull that changes the motion or shape of an object
  5. 9. Equation to determine the work
  6. 11. A sloping surface that makes it easier to move objects to a higher or lower place
  7. 12. A simple machine wheel on an axel or shaft designed to support movement and change direction
  1. 1. A simple machine connected to a post
  2. 2. Two wheels working together
  3. 3. A rigid object or bar resting on a pivot or fulcrum
  4. 5. A simple machine used to apply tremendous force
  5. 7. Any device that helps us to do work
  6. 10. How many simple machines are there?