Simple Machines

  1. 3. a percentage used to indicate how much a machine actually helps accomplish work
  2. 4. the work done in a certain amount of time
  3. 7. the abbreviation for the reason we use a simple machine
  4. 11. the device used to lift loads over a longer distance
  5. 13. the distance from the resistance to the fulcrum in a lever
  1. 1. a device with a rope or string
  2. 2. a device with circular parts
  3. 5. the distance from the fulcrum to the effort on a lever
  4. 6. a simple machine type that comes in three classes
  5. 8. a common piece of playground equipment
  6. 9. that entity obtained by the product of mass and acceleration
  7. 10. the unit used to measure power
  8. 12. the unit used to measure forces
  9. 14. a simple machine which could be seen as a ramp wrapped around a central core