Simple Machines

  1. 2. operated by means of fluid pressure
  2. 4. an imaginary line that passes through an object or system around which the object or system rotates
  3. 5. the weight that is moved using a simple machine
  4. 6. a wheel with a grooved rim in which a rope can run to lift a load
  5. 10. the pivot point
  6. 11. a beam used to move a load
  7. 12. a double inclined plane that tapers to a point, like a doorstop
  1. 1. a ridge or groove that spirals around a screw
  2. 3. used in ancient times to launch heavy objects
  3. 7. the force applied to move a load, usually the human part
  4. 8. an inclined plane spiraled around an axis
  5. 9. the slant of an inclined plane