Simple Machines

  1. 2. The force exerted on an object by a machine.
  2. 5. A machine that combines two or more simple machines.
  3. 8. A flat, sloped surface (also called a ramp).
  4. 9. A simple machine made of a grooved wheel with a rope or cable wrapped around it.
  5. 11. A simple machine made of two connected objects that rotate about a common axis; made of a wheel with a rod through the center.
  6. 13. The force you exert on a machine.
  1. 1. Devices that do work with a single motion.
  2. 3. Devices that allow you to do work in an easier way but do not reduce the amount of work you do.
  3. 4. A rigid bar that is free to pivot, or rotate on a fixed point called a fulcrum.
  4. 6. How much a machine multiplies the force you exert on it.
  5. 7. The fixed point on which a lever pivots.
  6. 10. A device that is thick at one end and tapers to a thin edge at the other end.
  7. 12. An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder (rod).