Simple Machines

  1. 4. devices designed to make work easier by changing the size or direction of a force.
  2. 8. a sloping surface used to lift heavy objects by applying a smaller force over a longer distance.
  3. 10. a wheel with a groove that holds a rope or cable used to lift heavy objects by applying a smaller force over a greater distance.
  4. 11. theoretical advantage of a machine assuming no friction or energy loss.
  5. 12. machines four basic machines used to make work easier: lever, pulley, wheel and axle, inclined plane.
  1. 1. a compound machine that consists of a lever and a wedge.
  2. 2. the number of times a machine multiplies the force applied.
  3. 3. a rigid bar that pivots on a fixed point called a fulcrum used to lift or move heavy objects by applying a smaller force over a longer distance.
  4. 5. machines made up of two or more simple machines put together.
  5. 6. a simple machine consisting of a wheel attached to an axle used to move heavy objects by rolling them on the wheel.
  6. 7. a compound machine that consists of a wheel and axle, a lever, and a pulley.
  7. 9. actual advantage of a machine, taking into account energy loss due to friction and other factors.