Simple Machines

  1. 2. Example of Wheel and Axel
  2. 7. ramp Example of Inclined plane
  3. 8. Used as an aid for raising or lowering a load
  4. 9. Rotational motion into linear motion.
  5. 12. A wheel and a Rope to move heavy objects
  6. 14. Rests on a pivot and allows the user to excert force on one end gain a mechanical advantage.
  7. 15. Example of inclined plane
  1. 1. Example of Lever
  2. 3. example of Screw
  3. 4. flagpole Example of Pulley
  4. 5. Example of Wedge
  5. 6. Two inclined planes that are back to back
  6. 10. Example of Screw
  7. 11. Round solid object that connects to a ridig bar and provides mechanical advantages in moving
  8. 13. Example of Lever