Simple Machines

  1. 4. force used to operate a lever
  2. 6. push or pull acting on an object
  3. 7. group of pulleys mounted together in a frame or block, which provides significant mechanical advantage
  4. 8. used to bridge the gap between high and low surfaces
  5. 10. lever that can rotate about its centre, magnifying force or distance
  6. 11. simple machine that reduces the effort needed to do work
  1. 1. lever that can change a weak force into a strong force
  2. 2. resisting force the effort has to overcome.
  3. 3. a special inclined plane with a thread that wraps around a centre core
  4. 5. turning point of a lever
  5. 9. simple machine with a rope or chain in a groove around its edge that makes it easier to lift an object
  6. 10. moves through an object, transferring the downward force into a side ways force