Simple Machines and Energy

  1. 4. The principle that the total amount of energy in the universe or in a closed system always remains the same, even when the energy transfers from one part of the system to another or transforms into another form of energy.
  2. 11. A measure of how much of the total energy supplied to a machine is used to produce a useful or desirable result. Efficiency is often expressed as a percentage of total supplied (or input) energy.
  3. 12. A wave that transfers energy through a medium by making its particles vibrate.
  4. 14. The energy of an object due to the arrangement of its particles. Chemical energy is a form of potential energy.
  5. 15. a rigid bar that pivots about a fixed point.
  6. 18. A weight that hangs at the end of a string whose other end attaches to a fixed point and allows it to swing freely.
  7. 19. The flow of thermal energy from one object or location to another as a result of temperature differences
  8. 21. the amount of matter in an object
  9. 22. A machine that does work with only one movement
  10. 26. An event in which two or more objects hit or run into each other.
  11. 28. shaft attached to a wheel so that both rotate together
  12. 31. The movement, passing, or flow of energy from one object or place to another.
  13. 33. A disturbance that travels away from its source and transfers energy through space.
  14. 35. The rate at which work is done or energy is transferred
  15. 36. anything that takes up space and has mass
  16. 37. An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder with a wedge at the end
  17. 38. two or more simple machines working together
  1. 1. the energy an object has due to its motion
  2. 2. a flat, sloped surface
  3. 3. the ratio of the output force to the input force
  4. 5. Energy that is stored in an object that has been compressed, stretched, or twisted. Elastic energy is a form of potential energy.
  5. 6. The force that resists (acts against) sliding motion when two surfaces that touch try to move in different directions relative to each other.
  6. 7. The matter through which a wave travels.
  7. 8. A system (group of connected, interacting parts) that matter can neither leave nor enter.
  8. 9. The ability to cause change in matter.
  9. 10. point around which a lever pivots or rotates
  10. 11. the ratio of output work to input work
  11. 13. The energy of an object due to the force of gravity between it and another object. On Earth, an object's gravitational energy increases with its height above Earth's surface. Gravitational energy is a form of potential energy.
  12. 16. The total kinetic energy (energy of motion) of the particles that make up an object.
  13. 17. Energy related to the motion and position of an object. Mechanical energy can be kinetic energy or potential energy, and an object can have both at the same time.
  14. 20. The distance an object travels during a specific period of time; the rate of motion.
  15. 23. The energy stored in an atom's nucleus due to the fundamental forces that hold its particles together. Nuclear energy is a form of potential energy.
  16. 24. The energy related to an object's position, shape, or the arrangement of its particles.
  17. 25. grooved wheel with a rope or cable wrapped around it.
  18. 27. A measurement of the average amount of kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter.
  19. 29. energy Energy carried by electromagnetic waves. Visible light is one kind of electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy is a form of kinetic energy.
  20. 30. two inclined planes placed back to back used to cut or split
  21. 32. to move from one place to another
  22. 34. transfer of energy to an object by a force to make the object move in direction of force
  23. 39. Energy due to the flow of electrons. Electrical energy is a form of kinetic energy.