Simple Machines and Fluid Power

  1. 3. A supporting bar or shaft on which a wheel turns
  2. 5. A type of simple machine that consists of two inclined planes placed back-to-back
  3. 6. A lever that is often found in a playground
  4. 7. The class of levers with the fulcrum between the effort and the load
  5. 8. A seesaw is an example of which type of simple machine
  6. 9. The simplest type of gear
  7. 10. A gear that is turned by an outside effort, for instance your hand or an engine
  8. 14. A type of simple machine that is a flat surface with one end higher than the other
  9. 16. The use of pressurized air to do work
  10. 17. The class of levers with fulcrum at one end and the load at the other
  1. 1. An inclined plane that is often found in a playground
  2. 2. If the second wheel in a pair of uneven sized gears, the bigger turns slower than the smaller one but with more ____
  3. 4. When two gears mesh together, the second one always turns in the ____ direction
  4. 5. A type of simple machine that is made of a wheel attached to a rod
  5. 7. If you connect two gears together and the first one is bigger than the second one, the second one has to turn much ____
  6. 10. A gear that is turned by another gear
  7. 11. A device to help us do work more easily
  8. 12. A type of simple machine used to raise and lower a flag on a flagpole
  9. 13. The point at which a lever turns
  10. 15. The class of levers with the fulcrum at one end and the effort at the other