Simple Machines Crossword!

  1. 2. The strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement. A push of pull
  2. 5. The general quantity or distance or something
  3. 7. A wheel attached to a rod, used to move objects with less force
  4. 8. Thread An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  5. 9. Machine A simple device used to make work easier, usually only has one function or movement.
  6. 13. The force used to make a machine work.
  7. 14. A wheel and axle with a rope attached, used to lift and move heavy objects
  8. 15. A device used to make work easier
  9. 16. An inclined plane that is coiled around a cylinder
  10. 17. An object that is being moved.
  11. 18. The value of work done using a machine. Compared to trying to do work without a machine.
  1. 1. The point of which a lever is supported and turns
  2. 3. A triangle- shaped tool used to separate two objects
  3. 4. A flat surface placed at an angle, used to move an object to a different height
  4. 6. A bar attached to a fulcrum used to lift heavy objects
  5. 10. Natural force that a machine, or individual must overcome to do work
  6. 11. The transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move
  7. 12. The measurement of work
  8. 14. The amount of work done. Or the amount of energy used in a certain period of time