Simple Machines CrossWord

  1. 2. formula that has output over input force
  2. 5. More than one simple machine working together
  3. 6. If the machine actually helps make work easier
  4. 7. an axle attached to center of a larger wheel
  5. 8. Grooved wheel with a rope, chain, or cable running a long the groove
  6. 10. Inclined plane with 1 or 2 sloping sides
  1. 1. Machine that does work with only one movement of the machine
  2. 3. Inclined plane wrapped in a spiral around a cylindrical point
  3. 4. Sloping surface like a ramp that reduces the AMT of force required to work
  4. 7. Transfer of energy that happens when a force makes a object move
  5. 9. Bar that is free to pivot around a fixed point