Simple Machines Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. A lever moves on the _______ and is supported on it.
  2. 4. A _______ is a wheel with a rope wrapped around it to lift a load.
  3. 5. _________ is the shape or arrangement of parts of an object.
  4. 6. A ramp is an _________ because it is a flat surface that is sloped or tilted.
  5. 8. A _______ has a stiff bar that moves on a fixed point. It pushes, pulls, or lifts objects.
  6. 11. An ___________ is when you use your senses to get factual information.
  7. 13. A _______ is made up of two inclined planes. It separates objects by cutting, piercing, or splitting it.
  8. 14. _________ is a push or pull of an object.
  1. 1. A doorknob is an example of a _________, since it has a circular frame rotating on a rod.
  2. 2. A _________ is a machine that consists of two or more simple machines.
  3. 5. _________ is the job or purpose of an object.
  4. 7. A lightbulb is an example of a _________, since it has an inclined plane wrapped around a shaft or pole. It holds things together or lifts materials.
  5. 9. Simple machines help make work _______.
  6. 10. _______ is when force is applied and the object moves over a distance.
  7. 12. An ___________ is when you use the evidence and what you know to make a conclusion.