Simple Machines Digital Lab

  1. 4. Object that acts as a pivot point for a lever.
  2. 5. An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  3. 9. A plane lifted to an angle. An example is a slide.
  1. 1. Any device that makes work easier by changing the direction and/or the amount of force used to complete the task.
  2. 2. A rigid bar resting on a pivot used to help move a heavy load with one end when pressure is applied to the other.
  3. 3. The force used to complete a task.
  4. 6. One example of this is a door knob.
  5. 7. A wheel with a grooved rim around it in which a cord passes over and under.
  6. 8. A piece of wood or metal that is driven between two objects to separate/secure them. An example is an axe.
  7. 10. Object that is being lifted by a lever.